
Proper ways of using natural stone kitchen countertop

Kitchen countertop made of natural stone has become the first choice of for many customers as natural stone is clean, colorful and beautiful. Followings are some ways of using natural stone kitchen countertop to help customers use properly.


 Scratching: Different stone will have different levels of resistance toward staining and scratching. Cutting boards are recommended to avoid quickly dulling knives. Repeated use of a knife in the same place on a granite countertop can eventually wear down the polish. Use other flat to cut if the food is too hard (like bone). Trivets and placemats should be used under all ceramic, china and other vessels to reduce the possibility of scratching.


 Staining: Products such as coffee, red wine, cooking oils, butter, lemon juice, tomatoes and anything else acidic or oil-based should be wiped off the countertop as soon as possible Wiping up spills immediately will help avoid most potential staining. We recommend periodically re-sealing granite according to the sealer’s instructions. Take care to use the proper cleansing agents—those that are ammonia-based can etch the granite and dull its polish.


 Burning: Hot pots may be set directly on Granite with no potential for the stone to show burn marks. Take caution after removing a hot pot from a stone surface, as the stone will absorb heat from the pot and may be hot to the touch. Hot pots and pans should not be set directly on Marble, Limestone, Travertine countertops as these stone have the potential to burn.

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