
How to use Algafloor cleaner

Algafloor is a concentrate neutral pH cleaner with very low residue. Its formulation is specially recommended for everyday maintenance of every type of surface. The product guarantees an excellent floor cleaning leaving a fresh perfume. Its constant use prevent formation of annoying superficial patinas, especially on ceramics and porcelain stoneware without damaging the material and keeping all it features unchanged. chất bảo dưỡng đá tự nhiên

 sàn đá tự nhiên được chăm sóc bảo dưỡng

 Algafloor is right products for stone flooring

đá tự nhiên mặt bàn bếp

Kitchen countertop

đá tự nhiên mặt bàn lavabo

Bathroom natural stone countertop

How to use?
The product has to be diluted with water. Diluition: 20-30 g/lt on cremic, quartz and porcelain stoneware - 40 -50 g/lt on absorbing support

Where to apply?

The product can be applied on every type of surface

dịch vụ chăm sóc bảo dưỡng đá tự nhiên chăm sóc bảo dưỡng đá tự nhiên
Algafloor is suitable for wood, porcelain, glass surfaces

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