
Care For Onyx countertop

With the diverse colors and the ability to transmit light, Onyx is a top choice for decorative items. Bar is one of the most popular applications of Onyx. So how Onyx bar is always clean?

chăm sóc bảo dưỡng đá tự nhiên, đá granite, đá marble


Say NO to acid based products:
Since Onyx is soft and calcium-based, it will react with acids. This include both chemistry lab acids and household liquids such as vinegar, lemon juice, coffee, and yes, red wine. Homemade cleaners, glass/window cleaner, or normal kitchen countertop cleaners could be too acidic for Onyx. Use natural cleaning products with a neutral pH like Neutral Cleaner, Neugel or Algafloor
Or ask your stone supplier for consultancy.

 xử lý vết bẩn đá tự nhiên

What to do in case of spills

Onyx is naturally porous and will absorb liquids. Then, clean up spills immediately. It better not to wipe but to blot up the liquid with a paper towel.

Tip: Use the cleaner applied to a soft cloth. Don’t put the cleaner directly on the countertop as the onyx may absorb too much of it, doing more harm than good.

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