
Tips for cleaning Onyx stone in bathroom & kitchen

Among many types of Quartz, Onyx stone is the most precious and perfect. With natural specificity is crystals links with high uniformity, many different colors and can lighted – transmit, Onyx stone is used in interior and exterior decorations, including fronts, lobbies, stairs, bathrooms, kitchens…


However, Onyx stone’s hardness is lower than Granite and Marble stone, which has soft feature, wax – surface, so it can be scratched and eroded. In addition, maintaining the beauty and endurance of Onyx stone need more careful tips than others when it is in an environment with high moisture. Followings are some suggestions of Stonecare Experts of Vinastone to clean and protect the surface of Onyx stone in bathroom and kitchen.

• The first but not least important thing is impregnating for its surface by dedicated products in order to Onyx stone shall be not soaked and keep its original color.

• Only using dedicated clean sanitary products for Onyx stone. Absolutely do not use normal ones because they have acid which can erode Onyx stone. The suitable clean sanitary products are Neugel, Neutral Cleaner, or Algafloor.


• Because of calcium elements, Onyx stone especially is sensitive to acid. When contacting with the normal cleansing products or even lemonade, orange juice, vinegar, and wine, the Onyx stone surface can be eroded and damaged. Thus, it needs to be cleaned regularly with a clean towel or paper towel. In the other hand, it is necessary to limit the contacting between Onyx stone and high temperature, we should use linings when put hot items onto the surface.


• Onyx stone caring need more efforts in bathroom space where is quite wet. It affects the natural stone’s beauty and endurance.


• The surface of Onyx stone always needs to be cleaned and kept dry. Therefore, we should restrict stagnant water on the surface of natural stone in any cases.
• It is better to carry out the impregnating process each 1 – 2 years depending on usage. In order to maintain the beauty and enhance the gloss of Onyx stone, please polish natural stone periodically perform 6-12 month/times, relying on the real use of stone.

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