
Easy daily care for natural surface with Neugel cleaner

NEUGEL is a highly concentrated gel, pH neutral floor cleaner derived from natural substances for daily maintenance of every floor surface. The product guarantees rapid and effective cleaning on floor area while leaving a pleasant fragrance. Daily use will increase the floor resistance to daily foot traffic while nourishing the natural aspect of the floor surface.

Dung dịch vệ sinh hàng ngày, chăm sóc bảo dưỡng đá tự nhiên

The product can be applied on every type of natural surface like natural stone, wood…

Chăm sóc bảo dưỡng đá tự nhiên hàng ngày Đánh bóng sàn đá tự nhiên với neugel
Neugel cleaner is used for both polish and unpolish stone surface

Làm sạch đá tự nhiên, chăm sóc bảo dưỡng đá tự nhiên Làm sạch bề mặt đá tự nhiên
Neugel cleaner hepls kitchen and lavabo countertops clean

Sử dụng neugel để làm sạch bề mặt bàn bếp
Kitchen island countertop will be totally clean with Negel 

Neugel còn làm sạch cả bề mặt gỗ
Neugel cleaner is good for other natural surface like wood

How to use?

Dilute product as recommended DILUTION: 20g / 5 Lt (approx. 3 caps in 5000ml of water.) Dilute product as suggested and proceed to clean as with traditional cleaner. Used as recommended, product does not require rinsing.

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