
Answer 3 questions before chose a right natural stone care and maintenance provider

Natural stone becomes the preferred choice for commercial buildings (office buildings, commercial centers, luxury apartments ...) as well as residential projects. As a result, the demand for care - maintenance service of natural stone (sealing, polishing, cleaning, maintenance, ...) is also increasing. There are hundreds of thousands of providers on the internet. Who should you choose? Answer these 3 questions and you will find the right one.

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Luxury stone flooring for modern living room

1. Does the Provider have knowledge of natural stone or not?

This is the most important issue that should be firstly considered. Service providers must have extensive knowledge of natural stone such as: Characteristics, properties and mechanism of action of each type of natural stone; the common problems of natural stone in different applied categories; knowledge about the care and maintenance of natural stone as well as the caring process... Then, service providers can analyze the causes, assess the situation and offer a right solution.

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Review the status of natural stone is very important to provide a proper care and maintenance solution

2. Is It a right product for natural stone or not?

Unlike these materials which are industrially produced, natural stone is a completely natural material. Therefore, the characteristics and properties of natural stone are not like any other materials. Products used to care - maintenance of natural stone need to be specifically manufactured to conform with natural stone, helping to maintain and protect the beauty of the stone.

Right products for the beauty of natural stone

Most of cleaning products on the market are acidic cleaners which can change the color of the material. These products are entirely inappropriate for natural stone. In some case they even damage the surface of the stone. Therefore, use right products for natural stone is very vital to protect the beauty of natural stone.

3. Is the service specialized for natural stone or not?

There are many companies providing industrial cleaning service for all materials, all items in all the works. Typically, in these companies, one care and maintenance process will be applied for many different materials. Therefore, the final results achieved will not be as good as expected. The result may be even worsen than the initial condition of the material.

Clients should choose companies that provide specialized services for natural stone to have the best result

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