
Notes for cleaning white marble stairs

Volakas, Calacatta and Staturio with white background and some black and gray veins are the special type of marble which are preferred for staircase applications in light tones. What should be noted when using white Marble?

Chăm sóc bảo dưỡng đá tự nhiên, đá granite, đá xanh thanh hóa

Always keep natural stone stairs clean

Like all other natural stone surfaces, white marble stairs should be kept clean regularly to prevent dust and stains accumulation. Especially with white marble stairs, cleaning should be implemented at least 2 times / week, using the special cleaners as Neugel or Netral Cleaner.

xử lý chống thấm đá tự nhiên

Remove coloured stains

Clean immediately stains caused by alcohol, coffee, tea, juice, mildew, ink ... on the white marble staircase. The right way is to use paper tissue to slowly absorb the stains before wiping with a wet cloth. Then, pour a small amount of cleaning solution Coloured Stain Remover. Leave it 15-20 minutes. Clean with water and allow to dry naturally. Repeat again if the stain has not gone away completely.



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